I’ am Yasser Ali, A former mechanical engineer who left his career to work at the path that I have chosen for myself, The path that I love like nobody can imagine, Its Information Security!

I believe in the following modern Zen poem :

To follow the path:
look to the master,
follow the master,
walk with the master,
see through the master,
become the master !

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Mustafa

    Salam! You are a king in my eyes, hacking paypal and all that kind of stuff are just incridble. Keep it up

  2. vaisakh bs

    good work ….. you are a good human as only good human can follow what their mind says…. keep going on…

  3. Unknow

    sir can u give me 0day python script

    1. yasser

      It won’t work anymore, the vulnerability is patched now!

  4. N_A

    Congratulations! I’m so proud of you, Mr:)

  5. Harald

    Hi Yasser, I’m a big fan of your work so far.
    I’ll check out this blog whenever I can and keep an eye out for all the exciting stuff you find.
    Thanks for sharing your work!

  6. Abdelnaser Jammaini

    Hi Eng. Yasser

    From my point of view I can tell you that what your doing is the right thing ,People who can think out of the box is the one that will win in the end , Good luck and keep up with it .

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